Tuesday, July 23, 2019

This Friday . . . Art Works Gallery Opening and Reception

Red Tenor Saxophone performs during the popular “4th Friday” Art Shows and Opening Reception at Art Works . . . this Friday, July 26 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. · 320 Hull Street in Richmond (Manchester neighborhood—from I-95, take exit 73 “Maury Street” or the 14th Street Bridge or Manchester Bridge from downtown Richmond) . . . Art Works features 75 studios and 6 galleries with local and international artists . . . enjoy the popular “4th Friday” reception on July 26 and listen to Classic Melodies from Red Tenor Saxophone!

* * * Parking Advisory * * *
The former parking lot between 4th Street and 5th Street is permanently closed.  Art Works has reserved spaces in four nearby lots (none more than three blocks away), and will direct you to those locations.  Click here for descriptions and a map.  Also, some street parking is available in the area.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Café Zata · This Sunday, July 14

Red Tenor Saxophone returns to Café Zata for a special Sunday Brunch performance this Sunday, July 14 . . . Café Zata is open on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – listen to Classic Melodies with Red Tenor Saxophone on July 14 from 10 to 2!  John and Joanna at Café Zata have a great brunch selection cooked to order . . . breakfast and lunch sandwiches, burgers, and omelets – plus bagels, gourmet pastries, salads, coffee, tea, and other beverages . . . spacious indoor and patio seating, and the upstairs lounge . . . 700 Bainbridge Street in Richmond (Manchester neighborhood—from I-95, take exit 73 “Maury Street”; or take the 14th Street Bridge or Manchester Bridge from downtown Richmond) . . . usually easy to find parking in the neighborhood . . . We’ll see you on Sunday, July 14 at Café Zata for Classic Melodies with Red Tenor Saxophone!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Independence Day +

Red Tenor Saxophone will be performing Classic Melodies . . . with an Independence Day flavor . . . in the Washington area during the holiday weekend . . . Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday · July 3, July 4, and July 5 . . . and beyond.  Look for Red Tenor Saxophone in Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Chinatown, Bethesda, Arlington, and other popular neighborhoods. Celebrate Independence Day with Classic Melodies from Red Tenor Saxophone!