Sunday, August 14, 2022

Williamsburg City Council approves regulations for street performers in Historic Area

Williamsburg City Council approves regulations for street performers in Historic Area
by Sian Wilkerson
Virginia Gazette
Aug 12, 2022 at 1:00 pm

WILLIAMSBURG — Street performers in Merchants Square will have more regulations after an unanimous vote by City Council at Thursday’s meeting.

The new ordinance establishes “time, place and manner” regulations for street performances in Merchants Square and the Historic Area, City Attorney Christina Shelton said.

“So the where and the when and the how loud,” she continued. “These are not content-based restrictions because they cannot legally be that.”

During public comments, a local street musician expressed his belief that the ordinance has become necessary with the recent increase in performers in the area.

“In the beginning, we were able to, amongst ourselves, divvy things up,” said David Gussman, who plays the accordion. “It was very informal but there are more people now, so I understand the need for the regulations.”

Shelton clarified that there is nothing preventing performers from asking for tips or from putting out tip jars, cases or signs.

She also floated the possibility of making public issuances of short-term special events permits, which become necessary for performances including more than 20 participants and for those that include extra equipment placed in the right-of-way. Other performances cannot occur during the time a short-term special events permit has been issued.

“This is not in any way an attempt to prohibit performances on the street. It’s just intended to regulate it enough that everybody can use the street in comfort and together and in cooperation with each other,” Shelton said.

Medallions, which will mark the areas of Merchants Square available for street performances, should be placed within the next few weeks, City Manager Andrew Trivette said.

Sian Wilkerson,, 757-342-6616

You can read here the original text of the ordinance prior to slight modifications that were made at the City Council meeting on August 11.

Here is the official video of the City Council meeting, cued to the start of the discussion on this ordinance.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Proposed ordinance will limit street performers in Merchants Square

Proposed ordinance will limit street performers in Merchants Square
By Sian Wilkerson
Virginia Gazette
Aug 09, 2022 at 2:00 pm

WILLIAMSBURG — Street performers in Merchants Square may soon find themselves restricted on when, where and how loudly they may perform.

At Monday’s work session, Williamsburg City Council heard a proposal for an update to the city code to establish regulations on street performances in and around the Historic Area.

“We saw an increase in downtown performance art, and at times it has been bothersome to both businesses and patrons because it can be competitive and loud,” said City Manager Andrew Trivette during the presentation. “We were asked by some local residents as well as Merchants Square Association to look at what we can do to regulate this better.”

During an investigation into the best way forward for street performances in the area, staff determined that limiting performance areas to three specific locations in Merchants Square will help maintain reasonable sound levels for all visitors in the space.

The proposed ordinance sets an appropriate volume level, designates areas where street performances may or may not occur and sets daily hours. The performance areas, which would be marked by medallions, are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, with performances allowed from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

In the Historic Area, performers are prohibited from blocking the street or pathways used by pedestrians and cars. Performers must also stay more than 50 feet away from any church or residence.

City council will vote on the proposal at Thursday’s meeting.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Farewell – but not really!

Red Tenor Saxophone was lucky to squeeze fifteen years out of tenor saxophone; but it finally reached the end of its “playability” a week ago.  The classic melodies play on, however — listen for Rusty Brass Trombone or Obsolete ’80s Guitar in Merchants Square.  Next week, keep an eye out for Red Tenor Saxophone browsing the pawn shops in Newport News and Hampton as he shops for a new saxophone — any saxophone will do.  We appreciate the loyal $upport during the past week as we branch out into different instruments and styles — the Red Tenor Saxophone ’blog will have an update soon on the new name and format.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

More Ukraine contributions . . .

Red Tenor Saxophone continues to receive contributions during “Glory and Freedom for Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished”, and on July 31 made an additional donation of $8 to the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic, N.J.  Every contribution helps in some way—thank you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Thank you for your support!

Red Tenor Saxophone enjoys meeting people from around the world.  During a performance from three weeks ago, he found in the bucket a five-pound note from a generous contributor, issued in 2015 and featuring Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor on the obverse and Winston Churchill on the reverse.  (This one goes in the scrapbook!)  As always, Red Tenor Saxophone is grateful for the kind and generous support!